JNTUH The Principals are informed to conduct the I mid-term exams of IV-II sem which are scheduled to commence from 05-05-2021 as per revised academic calendar (Ref. 1) in one of the following modes
i) objective type online exams,
ii) proctor assisted online subjective/objective exams or
iii) subjective(descriptive) exam where the question papers will be sent to student with the support of a software/whatsapp/mail, students write their answers on white papers, scan the answer sheets (using adobe scan app or similar app from appstore) and upload/mail to the specified address. This mode of conduct of mid-term exams shall be continued until on-campus academic activity is restored.
It is strongly recommended to give questions which are not directly reproducible from the text book or reference material, but require critical thinking to answer the questions (like open book system question paper). Further in all numerical problems the values of specifications/ parameters must not be matched with either solved problems or exercise problems in the prescribed text books.
The Principals are informed to conduct the I and II mid-term exams of I year I sem B.Tech/B.Pharm and PG courses (Ref. 2) also in the similar procedure.
Official Notification - Click Here
ii) proctor assisted online subjective/objective exams or
iii) subjective(descriptive) exam where the question papers will be sent to student with the support of a software/whatsapp/mail, students write their answers on white papers, scan the answer sheets (using adobe scan app or similar app from appstore) and upload/mail to the specified address. This mode of conduct of mid-term exams shall be continued until on-campus academic activity is restored.
It is strongly recommended to give questions which are not directly reproducible from the text book or reference material, but require critical thinking to answer the questions (like open book system question paper). Further in all numerical problems the values of specifications/ parameters must not be matched with either solved problems or exercise problems in the prescribed text books.
The Principals are informed to conduct the I and II mid-term exams of I year I sem B.Tech/B.Pharm and PG courses (Ref. 2) also in the similar procedure.
Official Notification - Click Here
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