JNTUH Commencement of UG/PG 1-2 Semester classes and Revised Academic Calendars of UG and PG courses for the Academic year 2020-21
JNTUH With reference to the subject cited above, it is here by informed the Director / Principals of all constituent, affiliated and autonomous Colleges of JNTUH as per the State Government directions to continue online classes for all the existing courses and suggested the following for UG & PG - I Year courses:
(i) To conduct Mid exams for UG - I Year I Semester / PG - I Year I Semester, the Principals are requested to make the schedule as per the convenience at the respective college level (online / off-line / blended mode). The Lab Classes / Examinations and End Examinations dates will be scheduled as per State Government directions.
(ii) Online classwork as per the calendar given below for UG & PG - I Year II Semester
Official Notification - Click Here
(i) To conduct Mid exams for UG - I Year I Semester / PG - I Year I Semester, the Principals are requested to make the schedule as per the convenience at the respective college level (online / off-line / blended mode). The Lab Classes / Examinations and End Examinations dates will be scheduled as per State Government directions.
(ii) Online classwork as per the calendar given below for UG & PG - I Year II Semester
Official Notification - Click Here
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