JNTUH (JNTU-Hyderabad) All the Principals of colleges offering IV year B.Tech and B.Pharm courses are informed to note that the University is exploring feasibility to conduct the IV-II semester examinations of B.Tech/B.Pharm courses to the students at the centres which are near to their respective hometowns/ villages.
The Principals are requested to make arrangements to contact all final year students and take atmostthree options (in the order of preference) from each student for writing their IV-II examinations. The places which the students are opting must have at least one JNTUH affiliated Engg. / Pharmacycollege. The students who desire to write the exam at their parent college (where the student is studying), need not give their options. If any student does not submit his/her options, it shall be assumed that his/her parent college is his/her exam centre preference. Further if the seating capacity exceeds at all three preferences, Parent College shall be the exam centre for such students. The city/town of the parent college need not be included as a preference (by default his parent institute is his/her exam centre).
The entry of the student preferences have to be carried out by the college exam branch staff only. For the service to enter the student options, visit your college registration portal. Last date for uploading is 25th August, 2020 (Tuesday).
The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited.
JNTUH B.Tech/B.Pharm 4-2 Examinations - Exam Centres nearest to hometown of students - Information
Official Notification - Link
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