OU MDHM I, II, III & IV Semesters Regular,Backlog & Improvement Exams Notification June 2019

It is hereby notified that the Master’s Degree in Hospital Management (MDHM) II & IV Semesters (Regular & Backlog) and I & III Semesters (Backlog & Improvement) Examinations are scheduled to be held in the Month of June, 2019. The detailed Time-Table will be issued in due course.

Last date for payment of examination fee without late fee and submission of Examination forms at the respective Colleges : 13.06.2019 (Thursday)

Fee paid once cannot be refunded or adjusted for any future Examination.

Fee for all Papers Rs.2220+100 = Rs.2320/- (Memorandum of Marks)
Fee up to Two Papers Rs.1140+100 = Rs.1240/- (Memorandum of Marks)

Note :
The Blind, Physically Disabled, Deaf & Dumb students (who have 40% of minimum Disability) need not pay Examination Fee as per O.U Order No.1555/228/2007-08/Budget-V, dated: 25-03-2008. A Xerox Copy of Medical Certificate must be attached to the EAF.

Download Official Notification Here
