OU BCA (CBCS) Main & Backlog and BCA (NON-CBCS) Backlog Examinations Notification - June 2019

It is hereby notified for the information of all the concerned that the B.C.A. (CBCS) VI-Sem.(Main), II-Sem.& IV-Sem.(Main & Backlog), V-Sem., III-Sem. and I-Sem. (Supply) & B.C.A. (Non-CBCS) I Year, II year I-Sem. & II-Sem. & III Year I-Sem. & II-Sem. (Backlog) Examinations, June - 2019. The detailed Time-Table will be issued in due course.

Following is the schedule for payment of examination fee and submission of examination application forms at the Office of the concerned Principal of respective College(s).

For Students: Payment of examination Fee and submission of Examination application forms at their respective colleges.

Without Late Fee : 13-06-2019
With Late Fee of Rs.200/- (Per Semester) : 14-06-2019

Fee particulars :
Rs.1595/- (For one or more papers)

Additional Fee for VI Semester Students :

Consolidated Memos : Rs. 600/-
Provisional Certificate : Rs. 150/-(600+150=Rs. 750/-)

1. In respect of the candidates who have completed Course requirement having appeared for III year II semester and completed double duration of the Course but do not crossed (8) years from the date of admission, have to pay an additional amount of Rs.1000/- per subject, Semester-wise along with normal Semester Fee i.e.( 12 batch & 13 batch) only UPTO 2011 AND EARLIER BATCH NEED NOT APPLY)

2. The students are advised to enclose Xerox copies of their qualifying examination certificate copies duly attested by the College Principal concern.

3. Not to collect the Exam fee form Visually/Physically Challenged and Hearing Impairment students as per O.U. Order No. 1555/228/2007-08 /Budget- V, dated: 25-03-2008. A Xerox copy of medical Certificate confirming their status. (minimum percentage of disability must be of 40%attached to the application forms). Visually/ Physically Challenged and Hearing impairment students applications forms should be submitted separately along with separate Nominal Roll.

4. Any discrepancies with regards to the Candidate data such as Internal marks, Practical, Viva-voce and Projects etc. should be brought to the notice of concerned officials of Examination Branch and obtain the acknowledgement within one month of declaration of results. After one month, queries will not be entertained.

Download Official Notification Here
