80th Convocation Notification of Osmania University which will be held on 17th June 2019

The 80th Convocation of Osmania University for conferment of Degrees, Diplomas and Gold Medals on the successful candidates of Annual and Supplementary Examinations of all programmes (including Distance Education) conducted during the period from July, 2012 to June, 2018 will be held on 17th June, 2019. However, the Ph.D. Degrees which are awarded upto 11-6-2019 will also be considered.

The regular candidates of all Diploma, UG, PG, M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes (including those from Autonomous Colleges and PGRRCDE) should submit their applications online through O.U. website www.osmania.ac.in by paying the following prescribed fee.

The following is the schedule for the payment of fee and submission of online applications.

Submission of online applications by Ph.D. candidates with a fee of Rs. 500/- (The Ph.D. Degrees will be conferred at Convocation) : 11-06-2019
Submission of online applications by the candidates of Diploma /UG/PG/M.Phil. programmes (including those offered by Autonomous Colleges and PGRRCDE) with a fee of Rs. 625/- : 31-05-2019
Submission of online applications by the candidates for all programmes (as stated in Sl.No.2 above) with a late fee of Rs. 200/- : 04-06-2019

All the Ph.D. degrees and PG/M.Phil/ Ph.D gold medals will be presented at the convocation.

However, UG Degree Gold Medals will be awarded at respective colleges after the convocation. Degree certificates of candidates who have passed the PG/UG/Dip./M.Phil. programmes in regular mode in the University/Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges shall be sent by post. Candidates who cleared their exams through the PGRRCDE will also receive their certificates through post.

The candidates who have already taken their degree certificates, in absentia, are not eligible to apply. If they do so, the fee paid will not be refunded.

The candidates who do not register for the Convocation will have to take the Convocation Certificates (Degrees) in absentia.

Application forms from the candidates who passed the examinations prior to July, 2012 and after June, 2018 will not be entertained. However, the Ph.D. Degrees which are awarded up to 11-6-2019 will also be conferred.

Apply Online @ http://convocation.osmaniaerp.com/

Download Convocation Notification Here
