TS SBTET Diploma Examinations Time Tables - March/April 2019 - Dated on 15-03-2019

Revised TS SBTET Diploma Regular/Supplementary Examinations Time Tables - March/April 2019 - For C18, C16, C14, C09
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The Final Time Table of the Board Diploma Regular Examinations of Even Semesters of C-18, C-16,C-16S & ER-91 schemes and Backlog examinations of C-09, C-14, C-16, C-16S & ER-91 schemes are scheduled to commence from 22-03-2019 and 15-03-2019 respectively is now forwarded.

The C-18 Semester end examinations time duration is changed to 2 hours instead of 3 hours as the no. & size of questions is reduced.

Therefore you are requested to verify the schedule for Time-Table of Board Diploma Regular Examinations of Even Semesters of C-18, C-16, C-16S & ER-91 schemes and Backlogs of C-09, C-14, C-16, C-16S & ER- 91-schemes are enclosed here with for wide spread propaganda among staff and students, the C-18 Scheme Regular Examinations will be conducted successively while C-16 & C-l 6S regular exams are spaced alternately by placing backlog subjects after every regular exam. lf any discrepancies are found, the same shall be brought to the notice of the "Deputy Secretary, EE-II Section in the Board through mail to dysecv2-sbtet@telanagana.gov.in" immediately for taking necessary action.

The above schedule of tentative time-table is also placed in the website, www.sbtet.telangana.gov.in under Notifications link. Hence the Principals are requested to bestow their personal attention to take utmost care in this regard.



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